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With a warm smile, Gianni Morandi shakes hands with Gianluca at the entrance of InStudio.

Today, we are excited to share with you the arrival of Gianni Morandi at InStudio. This charming and friendly “boy” joined us for an intense day of filming for the television series “L’ISOLA DI PIETRO 2.” The episode aired on Mediaset’s CANALE 5.

For those unfamiliar with the Film industry, it can be difficult to imagine the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes of a major television production. To give you an idea, we have included a short backstage video from that day.

Like an orchestra, the LUX staff, made up of dozens of technicians, moved in unison with great professionalism. Each person had their own specific task, all working together to achieve the best result within the allotted time.

In this case, the scene was set in a large photography studio where the police burst in to search for evidence in a murder investigation. Ironically, the prime suspect was the photographer himself.

With its spacious STUDIOS and ROOMS ready for use, InStudio was deemed the best possible LOCATION in Rome to shoot this type of episode.

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